National Council Commission Rejects Transparency on Wage Structure in Companies

Published: Friday, Aug 18th 2023, 17:00

Mise à jour le : Vendredi, 13 octobre 2023, 14:12

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The National Council Commission for Science, Education and Culture (WBK-N) has recommended to reject a parliamentary initiative from National Councillor Natalie Imboden (Green/BE) to grant employees the right to individual information about their individual and collective wage structure according to gender and function in the company. The majority of the WBK-N argued that this would protect wage confidentiality and that they should wait for the evaluation of the Equal Opportunities Act before considering a revision. The minority argued that granting transparency could prevent discriminatory practices in the workplace. In conclusion, the WBK-N has recommended to reject the initiative, meaning that employees will not have the right to information about their individual and collective wage structure according to gender and function in the company.nnnnnnnnnn


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