Renewed Assault on the 16 Aargau National Council Seats

Published: Monday, Aug 7th 2023, 14:40

Mise à jour le : Vendredi, 13 octobre 2023, 14:12

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In the canton of Aargau, 713 people are running for the 16 National Council seats on 52 lists, which is almost 44% more than four years ago. Five groups are participating for the first time, including Mass-Voll. The proportion of women has increased to 40.8%, according to the Aargau State Chancellery after the deadline for registration. 291 women and 422 men are on the lists. The parties SP, FDP, Mitte, Green, GLP and EVP have submitted numerous sub-lists in order to collect as many votes as possible. The SVP, the strongest party in terms of voters, is only associated with the Young SVP sub-list. Mass-Voll is participating for the first time; seven people are running on the list. The youngest National Council candidate is Melanie Del Fabro (Juso), who will only reach her 18th birthday in a few days. The oldest candidate is 85-year-old Christa Ruggaber (FDP 60+).nnnnnn


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