The Staff at Geneva Airport Have Begun the Strike

Published: Friday, Jun 30th 2023, 08:01

Mise à jour le : Vendredi, 13 octobre 2023, 14:12

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Today, the staff at Geneva Airport went on strike at 4am in protest of a new wage model approved by the board of directors. Between 6am and 10am, no planes will be able to take off or land, affecting around 8000 passengers. EasyJet plans to cancel 18 flights and 15 more have been rescheduled to avoid the strike period. Swiss expects 13 flights to be cancelled and 11 delayed. The strike is taking place on the first day of the holidays, with almost 54,000 passengers expected on 394 flights throughout the day. The board of directors of Geneva Airport had previously approved a heavily criticised wage reform, but the management assured that there will be no wage cuts. The Public Service Union (VPOD) is determined to overturn the wage reform.


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