Three Swiss Push Afghans onto Railway Tracks in St. Gallen

Published: Saturday, Aug 26th 2023, 09:40

Mise à jour le : Vendredi, 13 octobre 2023, 14:12

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Three Swiss youths were arrested by the police in St. Gallen on Saturday morning after they pushed a 29-year-old Afghan man onto the railway tracks. The incident occurred at around 2am in the main underpass, where a confrontation between the Swiss and the Afghan had taken place. The Afghan was reportedly beaten and kicked before being pushed onto the tracks. Fortunately, no trains were running at the time and passers-by were able to help the injured man back onto the platform. The three Swiss youths attempted to flee the scene, but were apprehended by the police. The Afghan was taken to hospital for treatment. The exact circumstances of the incident are being investigated by the prosecutor's office.nnnnnnnnnn


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