Wallis Lifts General Fire Ban Outdoors

Published: Tuesday, Aug 8th 2023, 14:00

Mise à jour le : Vendredi, 13 octobre 2023, 14:12

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In the canton of Valais, the general ban on open fires in the outdoors was lifted on Tuesday. However, in some regions there was still a considerable or high risk of forest fires. The precipitation and the relatively cool temperatures in the last ten days have contributed to a certain relaxation of the forest fire danger, according to the Department of the Valais Security Director Frédéric Favre. These two factors allowed the danger level for the majority of the regions in Valais to be lowered to level 3 ("considerable danger"). The situation has therefore eased somewhat, especially in the central and upper Valais, with the exception of the Naters region. In the regions that still suffer from a deficit of precipitation, the danger level remained at level 4 ("high danger"). In these regions, open fires were still prohibited, with the exception of fixed fireplaces on concrete floors at the locations expressly designated by the authorities and "with the greatest caution". Regions with a high risk of forest fires included in particular the Rhone valley between Martigny and Brig, the Matter valley and the Entremont. In the rest of Switzerland, only certain regions of the canton of Graubünden still had a considerable risk of forest fires. In the rest of Switzerland, the danger was now moderate to low, as can be seen from the Federal Natural Hazards Portal.nnnnnn


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