Les CFF seront 100% verts d'ici 2030

Les CFF seront 100% verts d'ici 2030

jeu, 18 Avr 2024

Les Chemins de fer fédéraux suisses (CFF) se fixent des objectifs ambitieux en matière de développement durable, visant une exploitation entièrement basée sur les énergies renouvelables et une réduction significative des émissions d'ici à 2030.

KEYSTONE/Ennio Leanza

By 2030 at the latest, trains will only run on renewable energy and greenhouse gas emissions should be halved compared to 2018. More than 200 sustainability projects are underway to ensure that this is achieved and that the SBB railroad remains the most climate-friendly mode of transport.

SBB trains currently run on electricity generated 90% from hydropower, while 10 percent still comes from nuclear energy, as SBB CEO Vincent Ducrot told the media in Zurich on Thursday.

However, it is not only trains that are only powered by renewable energy that are intended to make the railroads even more climate-friendly. SBB is also focusing on new, energy-efficient technologies in its trains, the expansion of photovoltaic systems, electrically powered construction machinery and climate-friendly heating in its buildings.

The effect of the measures implemented so far can be measured: 15% more trains are now running than in 2010, but they require 5% less energy. Operational CO2 emissions have been reduced by 25% in five years, according to SBB.


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