Geneva Citizens Dream of a Strong Comeback in Bern

Published: Thursday, Sep 21st 2023, 09:02

Updated At: Friday, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12

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In Geneva, the United Civic Coalition of Red-Green is aiming to oust the incumbent from the Council of States in the elections on October 22nd. However, the re-election of Green Lisa Mazzone and Social Democrat Carlo Sommaruga makes this a difficult task. To break the 16-year-old red-green stronghold, the Centre, MCG, FDP and SVP have agreed to present a joint ticket in a possible second round of voting. This unprecedented alliance covers a wide range of political views from right-wing to conciliatory centre. This coalition proved successful in the Geneva State Council elections last spring, when the Civic Coalition managed to overthrow the left-wing majority in the cantonal government. Now they are attempting to do the same on a federal level. For the twelve Geneva National Council seats, 251 candidates are running. The Civic Coalition of MCG, Centre, FDP and SVP have also formed a pact here. Currently, the Civic Geneva representation consists of two Liberals, two SVP members and one Centre politician. This representation could well increase this autumn, with an ambitious MCG aiming to return to the Federal Palace. In the face of this cooperation, the Geneva Greens are fighting a very lonely battle to defend their seat won four years ago. The Left is aiming to at least maintain their current six seats, while the Greens are likely to reach their upper limit of three. The Social Democrats have not given up hope of electing a third National Council member. The extreme Left is also hoping to retain their seat. Among the candidates vying for a seat in the National Council are some returning politicians such as SVP's Charles Poncet and Left-wing activist Pierre Vanek, as well as newcomers such as former coronasceptic teacher Chloé Frammery on the newly founded "Liberté" list. Two former city councillors (executive), Sami Kanaan (SP) and Rémy Pagani (Left Alternative), are also vying for a seat in the National Council. 48% of the candidates for the National Council are female, with the oldest being 80-year-old Christian Zaugg from the Left Party Ensemble à Gauche and the youngest being 18-year-old Centre candidate Gabriel Haddad.


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