Federal Police Chief Fears More Weapons for Organized Crime

Published: Friday, Oct 13th 2023, 13:20

Updated At: Friday, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12

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The head of the Swiss Federal Office of Police (Fedpol), Nicoletta della Valle, is concerned about the increasing arming of organised crime after the end of current wars. She believes that many people in Switzerland are unaware of how widespread organised crime is, as it operates very discreetly. She fears that the weapons used in the wars will end up in the hands of organised crime. There is a connection between organised crime and terrorism, and della Valle is worried about this. She also pointed out that the Italian Mafia operates very quietly in Switzerland, rarely using violence in public. However, there have been cases where entire families have been wiped out, which were initially thought to be relationship crimes, but later revealed to be disputes between Mafiosi. The current generation of Italian organised crime is looking to make money in Switzerland, often offering services at very low prices, which can drive out legitimate businesses. Della Valle warned consumers to be aware of the source of these low prices, as they may be coming at the cost of exploitation. In conclusion, della Valle is concerned about the increasing arming of organised crime, and the infiltration of the Mafia into Switzerland. She urges consumers to be aware of the source of low prices, as they may be coming at the cost of exploitation.


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