Alain Delon gets counselor for medical decisions

Published: Monday, Jan 29th 2024, 18:20

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The family dispute surrounding 88-year-old French film star Alain Delon is entering the next round. The actor has been assigned a guardian for medical decisions by the judiciary, as the news agency AFP learned on Monday.

Alain Delon's three children recently argued about where and how their father should be treated.

Delon had suffered several strokes and, according to his children, can only make himself understood with difficulty. A doctor had already certified that he was no longer able to manage his own affairs. The public prosecutor's office had requested a further medical report.

Among other things, the dispute between the three children revolves around the question of whether the actor should spend the rest of his life in his residence in France or move to Switzerland, where his daughter Anouchka lives - and where inheritance tax is likely to be lower. Delon also has Swiss citizenship.

According to his eldest son Anthony Delon, Alain Delon stipulated in his will that his daughter Anouchka should inherit half of his estate and his two sons a quarter each. In public, the actor often preferred his daughter Anouchka to his sons.

According to the French media, she not only has a leading position in the company that manages her father's licenses and advertising contracts, but also a villa with its own swimming pool on Delon's property in Douchy, south of Paris. She was the only one to accompany Delon in Cannes in 2019 when he received a Palm d'Honneur for his lifetime achievement.


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