Almost a third of the population without further training for years

Published: Monday, Mar 11th 2024, 10:10

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For 29 percent of the permanent Swiss resident population aged between 25 and 64, the last time they took part in further education was at least five years ago. According to the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), the reason given by many for not taking part in further education is that they do not need it.

Just under half of respondents had not attended any further training in 2021 in the twelve months prior to the survey. For almost 20 percent, the last participation was one to four years ago. These figures were collected by the federal government as part of the 2021 education and training microcensus.

According to the FSO, the rate of people with no further education in the last five years was particularly high among people with a low level of education (52%). The same applies to people not in employment (55%) and people aged between 55 and 64 (39%).

For people who have not attended further training in the last five years despite needing it, the most common obstacles to participation were family commitments (15 percent), excessive costs (14 percent) and lack of time (13 percent).

A large proportion of people who had not completed any further training in the last five years were fully employed (70 percent), had at least an upper secondary level qualification (76 percent) and were under 55 years old (66 percent).

Of the people who had not undergone further training in the five years prior to the survey, 44 percent stated that they did not need any further training. A third did not want to undertake further training for other reasons. One fifth were unable to attend further training despite wanting to.


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