Over 6% Of Switzerland Has Done Cocaine: New Addiction Centres & Crack Use On The Rise

Over 6% Of Switzerland Has Done Cocaine: New Addiction Centres & Crack Use On The Rise

Thu, Jun 6th 2024

The federal government plans new addiction support centers to address the rising crack cocaine problem.

KEYSTONE/Gaetan Bally

Federal government addiction support centers are set to launch to help those suffering from addiction. This initiative was announced on Thursday after discussions with cities, cantons, and specialist organizations about the crack cocaine situation.

The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) emphasized that investments in areas lacking facilities could defuse the current crack issue and prepare for future challenges.

Participants agreed that a robust network of psychosocial and medical support services can support those affected by addiction early on. Anne Lévy, FOPH Director, highlighted that psychosocial support is crucial for harm reduction and addiction support, benefiting society as a whole.

The FOPH reported a rapid increase in crack cocaine use in Switzerland, particularly in public spaces, affecting the broader population. According to the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), cocaine, following cannabis, is the most common drug in Switzerland. In 2022, 6.2% of people aged 15-64 had used cocaine at least once in their lives.


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