Crime & Justice

Neuchâtel Construction Investigation Expanded by ComCo
ComCo widens its probe into Neuchâtel's construction industry, now scrutinising 19 firms for alleged collusion in tenders dating back a decade.
More Customs Agents But Less Drugs Seized
Swiss Customs experiences a mixed bag in 2023: a decrease in drug seizures, a spike in doping agents, and a notable rise in meat smuggling, amidst a 10% growth in trade traffic.
Swiss Caravan Standoff
Caravan Standoff in Lausanne Leads to Police Intervention
Vaud cantonal police block 60 caravans in Lausanne, preventing potential unauthorized encampments.
Russia Sanctions
Swiss Company Allegedly Circumvented Russia Sanctions
Switzerland's Attorney General's Office initiates its first case against a local company accused of skirting sanctions against Russia.
BSI Money Laundering
Bank BSI Convicted of Money Laundering in Switzerland
Swiss authorities convict BSI Bank for severe breaches in money laundering regulations amidst the 1MDB scandal, imposing a CHF 4.
Beat Jans
Beat Jans Wants Changes to Migration and International Crime
Federal Councillor Beat Jans emphasizes the importance of EU partnership in tackling migration and international crime issues.
Swiss corruption
One in Three Swiss Companies Admits to Bribery Abroad
Despite heightened anti-corruption efforts, over half of Swiss companies face demands for illicit payments abroad, with a significant portion conceding to these requests, reveals a recent study.
What’s on the Agenda for National Councils Spring Session?
Major dossiers await the National Council and Council of States in the spring session.
Murder in Frauenfeld
Murder in Frauenfeld: Trial for the Murder of an Egyptian
Justice Resurfaces: Decade-Old Mystery Unraveled Murder in Frauenfeld over ten years ago finally sees the inside of a courtroom.
7.7 Billion CHF of Frozen Russian Assets: More to Come
Amid increasing scrutiny, Switzerland intensifies its efforts to monitor and enforce sanctions against Russia, targeting illicit financial flows and the export of luxury goods.
Swiss Cyberspace
Swiss Cyberspace Security Gaps Uncovered
A comprehensive study reveals over 2.5 million vulnerabilities in the Swiss internet landscape, spotlighting the urgent need for cybersecurity enhancements.
Sunday, February 18 – Weekly Roundup
Switzerland confronts a spectrum of issues, workplace bullying at the Federal Intelligence Service, and alleged corporate misconduct by ABB, highlighting the need for systemic reforms and accountability.
Temenos: Accounting Irregularities & Failed Products
Temenos, a pioneer in banking software, faces scrutiny amidst financial innovations and accusations.
Husband Charged With Murder After Homicide in Kehrsatz BE
In Kehrsatz BE, a shocking case unfolds as a husband is accused of his wife's murder, denying the allegations amidst a gripping investigation.
KPMG Beat US Lawsuit Over Credit Suisse’s Collapse
KPMG, alongside ex-Credit Suisse leaders, emerge unscathed from a hefty US lawsuit, marking a key win amidst ongoing legal battles over the bank's downfall.
Swiss scams
Swiss Scam: Man Loses Over 600,000 CHF in Romance Fraud
A Fribourg man fell prey to a romance scam, losing over 600,000 francs to a purported lover over eight years, sparking police warnings about the rise in Swiss scams.
Murder Charges Filed After Homicide in Lampenberg BL
Lampenberg BL, a 25-year-old faces murder charges after the tragic shooting of his father in their family home, marking a somber event in the small community.
Two Men Stopped at the Border With Over Two Kilograms of Cocaine
Swiss authorities apprehend two men on the southern border, uncovering over two kilograms of cocaine in a vehicle with Italian plates, marking a significant narcotics bust.
the swiss times
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