
Why Swiss expats are the happiest and how you can become one
Lured by Switzerland's high quality of life and competitive salaries, expats are drawn to work in this idyllic alpine country despite the challenges of obtaining one of its coveted work visas.
Why the Swiss labor market is failing Ukrainians
Switzerland needs workers and Ukrainian refugees want jobs. What is the problem? Why the Swiss labor market is failing in this area.
Spying for the KGB: A Russian priest in Switzerland
A Russian Orthodox priest who lived and worked in Switzerland in the 1970s was sent by the KGB to influence the Swiss Federal Council, according to declassified government papers.
Rolex: The best of times, the worst of times
With Rolex announcing plans for a $1B expansion in Switzerland, it seems that they are unbothered by the recent downturn in the luxury Swiss watch market – clinging to the tradition that the brand has always been synonymous with the best.
How to book a budget Swiss ski trip
People dream of skiing the Swiss Alps – a bucket-list trip, if you will. But something always gets in the way: Covid, inflation, and now an energy crisis.
Bunker down: Why Switzerland is prepared for the big one
A nuclear fallout shelter for all 9 million residents of Switzerland? Why the country has been preparing for nuclear war for decades and what residents are expected to do in the event of one.
The 10 best Swiss films at Solothurn 2023
Ten Swiss films to watch at the 58th Solothurn Film Festival (January 18-25), according to The Swiss Times' film critic, Max Borg.
The dark side of Davos
So much controversial press surrounds this year’s WEF summit in Davos, that outsiders are asking what the purpose of the event is besides shaking hands with the rich and powerful.
Swiss discoveries that changed the world
Switzerland has been home to some of humanity’s most creative inventions – and no, we’re not just talking about Swiss Army knives.
It’s complicated: The future of Swiss-EU relations
It is more beneficial for Switzerland to retain bilateral agreements with the EU than to join the bloc a government report found; but, will the EU go for it? A convenient friendship It is more beneficial for Switzerland to not join the European Union 30 years after Swiss voters rejected membership to the European Economic Area (EEA) on December 6, 1992, a Swiss government report concluded recently.
How to have a Swiss Christmas
Candlelit windows, fairytale markets, and centuries-old traditions make the holiday season in Switzerland truly magical.
The war on Swiss neutrality
The Swiss Federal Council’s decision last week to put price caps on Russian crude oil and petroleum has brought up a multitude of questions, the most notable of which is: can Switzerland ever return to a traditional definition of neutrality? Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February, Switzerland has slowly waded into a pool it has not swum in before – being led by the hand by the EU.
Why Swiss cities have banned public World Cup viewings
Qatar is the first Arab nation ever to host the FIFA World Cup since its inception in 1930; but controversy has clouded the event since the start.
FIFA, Switzerland and their inextricable link
Spanning six continents, boasting millions of players, billions of fans, and some of the wealthiest sponsors in the world, no other sporting organization comes close to rivaling the power of FIFA.
Swiss men or women: Who has it better?
Switzerland has made significant progress in gender equality, but the alpine country could do better.
Sex Ed: The Swiss approach
Sex education is not always an easy subject for parents. Still, the success of the eponymous Netflix series and the rise of TikTok sex educators have been bringing the conversation to the fore for young people.
The ‘Fifth Switzerland’: Swiss who retire abroad
Writing in The Swiss Review recently, two transnational ageing scientists Laura Ravazzini and Livia Tomás, examine their research on retirement-aged Swiss citizens who live abroad and how they maintain strong ties to home.
How the pandemic helped make the richest family in Switzerland
The Aponte family – an Italian-Swiss family that owns the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) in Geneva – was recently crowned the richest family in Switzerland thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic and western buying habits.

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