Deporting rejected asylum seekers should be easier

Deporting rejected asylum seekers should be easier

Thu, Nov 16th 2023

Returns of rejected asylum seekers should become more efficient. The National Council’s Political Institutions Committee (SPK-N) has adopted a motion to this end. According to the motion, Italy should comply with the Dublin Agreement.

Source country of asylum seekers in Switzerland (source: SEM)

The SPK-N held hearings on four motions of the Council of States. These all deal with the expulsion and repatriation of asylum seekers, in particular the difficulties caused by the unwillingness of certain countries of origin to cooperate in taking back their nationals.

According to a press release issued on Friday, the committee is proposing the adoption of the motion by Damian Müller (FDP/LU), which calls for Italy to comply with the Dublin Agreement, and the amendment of the motion calling for a “repatriation offensive”.

The SPK-N voted 14 to 9 with 1 abstention in favor of the motion. The Commission considers it necessary to exert maximum pressure on Italy to ensure that the country fulfills its obligations under the Dublin Agreement. Motions on Algeria and Eritrea were rejected.

Based on the discussions with the stakeholders involved, the Commission sees a need for action in this area – returns of rejected asylum seekers should be carried out more efficiently and more frequently, the Commission wrote.

In order to achieve this goal, cooperation with the countries of origin should be intensified and return assistance increased. However, the SPK-N is of the opinion that sanctions against uncooperative countries of origin are not expedient, if not counterproductive.

It also asked the Council to adopt the motion by Werner Salzmann (SVP/BE) in a slightly amended version by 17 votes to 8. The motion instructs the Federal Council to present a concept on how the number of returns and expulsions can be increased in the coming years with new readmission agreements.

The committee also adopted a motion by 15 votes to 7, with 2 abstentions, instructing the Federal Council to draw up a strategy and action plan against racism and anti-Semitism together with the cantons.


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