2 esquiadores holandeses escapan de la muerte en Vaud

2 esquiadores holandeses escapan de la muerte en Vaud

Vie, Abr 19th 2024

Dos esquiadores holandeses se enfrentaron a una peligrosa situación debido a una avalancha por encima del Col du Pillon en Les Diablerets VD, lo que pone de relieve los riesgos que siguen existiendo en los Alpes de Vaud cubiertos de nieve.

KEYSTONE/Christian Beutler

An avalanche above the Col du Pillon near Les Diablerets VD on Thursday led to a dramatic rescue of two Dutch ski tourers.

The Vaud cantonal police reported on Friday that one of the skiers suffered a pelvis injury and was airlifted by a Rega helicopter to Chuv University Hospital in Vaud.

The injured skier’s condition is stable and not life-threatening. His companion escaped the avalanche unharmed.

The two affected individuals are Dutch nationals, aged 30 and 29, who were skiing in the region where over a meter of fresh snow had recently fallen.

This recent snowfall significantly contributed to the avalanche risk. Such conditions mean that even minimal disturbances can trigger avalanches, posing serious risks to snow sports enthusiasts in the region.

As the Vaud Alps continue to draw visitors for their stunning winter landscapes and skiing opportunities, this incident serves as a crucial reminder of the ever-present dangers of avalanches, especially following significant snowfall.


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