Six Candidates for the Swiss Elections in Nidwalden

Published: Monday, Sep 4th 2023, 13:40

Actualizado el: Viernes, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12

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In the canton of Nidwalden, three people are running for each of the one National Council and one Council of States seats. The SVP must defend their National Council seat against the Centre and the FDP. The deadline for applications was Monday at 12 o'clock, as announced by the State Chancellery. Peter Keller (SVP), the current sole National Council representative from Nidwalden, will not be running in the October 22nd elections. The Centre is hoping to take advantage of Keller's departure and win the seat in the National Council. They have nominated Landrätin Regina Durrer. The SVP is running their party president, Landrat Roland Blättler, to defend the seat in the larger chamber. Shortly before the deadline, the FDP also announced their claim to the National Council seat, with Beatrice Richard-Ruf. For the Council of States seat, Hans Wicki was initially running unopposed, but he is now being challenged by two people who do not belong to any established party. These are Urs Lang from the Aufrecht movement and Benedikt Zwyssig from a group called "non-partisan civic engagement". The GLP, Greens and SP are not taking part in the federal elections in Nidwalden. For the Council of States election, the absolute majority applies, and for the National Council election, the relative majority applies.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


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