New Measures Against Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church

Published: Tuesday, Sep 12th 2023, 10:40

Actualizado el: Viernes, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12

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The Roman Catholic Church in Switzerland has adopted new measures to combat sexual abuse in response to a pilot study released on Tuesday which documented 1002 cases of abuse in the Catholic Church in Switzerland over the past 70 years. The Swiss Bishops' Conference (SBK), the Conference of Religious Communities and other Communities of Consecrated Life in Switzerland (Kovos) and the Roman Catholic Central Conference of Switzerland (RKZ) announced that future priests, deacons and members of religious orders will undergo psychological assessments as part of their training. Additionally, professional services will be created throughout Switzerland to allow victims to report abuse. All church officials at the head of dioceses, regional churches and religious orders have also committed to not destroy any documents related to abuse or the handling of it.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


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