Overview of Measures in the Revised CO2 Law
Published: Thursday, Sep 28th 2023, 18:26
Actualizado el: Viernes, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12
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The revised CO2 law covers the period after 204 and until 2030. The Council of States has completed the discussion of the proposal on Thursday and made the following decisions: REDUCTION: By 2030, Swiss greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced by half compared to 1990. Two thirds of this should take place in the country and one third with climate protection projects abroad. In the middle of the years 2021 to 2030, emissions must be at least 35 percent below the 1990 level. CO2 TAX: It remains at 120 Swiss francs per tonne of CO2. The Council of States wants to invest up to one third of the revenue from the tax in the building programme, the promotion of renewable energy and technologies to reduce greenhouse gases. The Federal Council wanted to provide less than half of the revenue for this and to return a smaller residual amount to the economy and the population. From 2031, one third of the tax revenue should again flow into the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. CARS/TRUCKS: The Council of States wants to tighten the CO2 targets for vehicles - in line with the EU - from 2030. Newly registered passenger cars should then emit no more than 45 percent of the emissions of 2021. This is also what the Federal Council had proposed. There should now also be CO2 targets for commercial vehicles: New light trucks and delivery vans should emit no more than 50 percent of the emissions of 2021 from 2030. Trucks that run on electricity or hydrogen will continue to be exempt from the performance-related heavy goods vehicle tax (LSVA). This should give transport companies an incentive to switch to climate-friendly vehicles. CHARGING STATIONS: The Federal Council wanted to promote the installation of charging stations for electric cars, for example in multi-family houses, for a maximum of 30 million Swiss francs per year from the mineral oil tax for a period of six years until 2030. The Council of States now rejected this. Its majority is of the opinion that the installation of charging infrastructure is a matter for private individuals. BUS AND RAIL TRAFFIC: The tax privilege for diesel buses should fall by 2026 in public transport. The Federal Council wants to invest the available money in buses with electric or hydrogen drives. The Federal Council should also be able to invest in a better international rail service. This includes night trains. AIR TRAFFIC: The Federal Council wants to oblige suppliers of aircraft fuel to mix renewable aircraft fuels with the kerosene tanked in Switzerland, in line with the EU. The Council of States has added that the mixing can take place physically or through a crediting method, through certificates for renewable aircraft fuels. The Council of States also wants the emissions in CO2 equivalents for each flight to be noted on flight tickets. From the proceeds of the auction of emission rights for aircraft, the Council of States wants to additionally promote measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in air traffic. FUELS: Importers of petrol and diesel must, as before, offset part of the CO2 emissions of these fuels with climate measures, with a maximum rate of up to 90 percent. For this, importers may charge up to five cents per litre of diesel or petrol at the pumps, as today. A transfer obligation for renewable fuels should be added as a new instrument. According to the Council of States, the Federal Council should set the minimum proportion of renewable fuels so that the associated costs do not exceed five cents per litre of fuel. This should ensure transparency at the petrol pump. COMPANIES: In principle, all companies and not, as today, certain sectors should be exempt from the CO2 tax if they, in return, commit to reducing their CO2 tax. The reduction obligations are limited until 2040, after which no exemption is possible. Three years after the start of a reduction obligation, companies must submit a decarbonisation plan and update it regularly. Companies with very high CO2 emissions, as before, do not pay any CO2 tax, but participate in the emissions trading system, which has been linked to the EU system since 2020. FINANCIAL MARKET: The Financial Market Supervisory Authority (Finma) and the National Bank must regularly report on risks arising from climate change. This is mainly about financial risks due to more frequent bad weather or droughts. Such weather extremes are the result of climate change.