Federal Councillor Rösti presents arguments for a Yes to the energy decree

Published: Monday, Mar 18th 2024, 11:40

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Switzerland should be able to produce more electricity from renewable energies and secure its electricity supply. Energy Minister Albert Rösti explained to the media why the Federal Council is recommending a "yes" vote on June 9th for the energy decree.

The restructuring of the electricity supply in Europe and international conflicts could lead to electricity shortages in Switzerland in winter, the Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) wrote in a press release on Monday. Switzerland also needs more electricity for the economy, as well as for electric cars and heat pumps.

"Security of supply can only be achieved in the short and medium term by expanding electricity production from renewable sources in Switzerland," Energy Minister Rösti was quoted as saying. The law accelerates the expansion of energy production with balanced measures.

The law, which was passed by parliament with a clear majority, is being fought by a committee led by the Fondation Franz Weber.


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