Customs fraud of 1.4 million francs at Vaud construction site

Published: Tuesday, Apr 2nd 2024, 15:51

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The Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS) has discovered significant customs irregularities at a construction site in the La Côte region in the canton of Vaud. The total of undeclared goods and labor amounted to around CHF 1.4 million.

In addition to fees and default interest, the client had to pay "a considerable amount", the BAZG said in a statement published on Tuesday.

The BAZG had been alerted by the Vaud building inspectorate, whose labor market inspectors had discovered illegal Italian and French personnel on a construction site in the west of the canton in 2022.

Subsequent verification revealed that goods and labor costs from France and Italy amounting to CHF 1.975 million had been declared. Only part of this amount - just over CHF 540,000 - had actually been declared.

Last year, the FOCA dealt with 148 cases in the canton of Vaud for which the reviews have not yet been completed.


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