Alain Delon’s Estate: Bitter Family Dispute

Alain Delon’s Estate: Bitter Family Dispute

Lun, Ene 15th 2024

Alain Delon’s Family Feud: Health, Inheritance, and Guardianship at Stake.

The dispute over the possible appointment of a legal guardian for 88-year-old French actor Alain Delon continues. On Monday, his lawyer Christophe Ayela criticized the actions of the actor’s two sons “who wanted to have him placed under guardianship”. “I can confirm that Alain Delon is perfectly sane,” Ayela told the newspaper “Le Parisien”.

The doctor who certified that Delon was no longer able to manage his own affairs had probably “had a bad day”, the lawyer added. He also criticized the fact that Delon’s sons had stopped taking a medication “without consulting a doctor”.

Anthony Delon, the actor’s eldest son, recently justified this step by saying that his father had not tolerated the medication. “This overtreatment threatened to kill him,” he told the Swiss newspaper “Le Matin”.

A doctor appointed by the public prosecutor’s office will soon reassess the actor’s state of health. His three children have been fighting in the media for weeks over the appropriate way to deal with Alain Delon, who has suffered several strokes.

According to Anthony Delon, the star actor has long since stipulated in his will that his daughter Anouchka should inherit half of his estate and his two sons a quarter each. Among other things, the dispute revolves around the question of whether he should spend the rest of his life in his residence in France or move to Switzerland, where inheritance tax is likely to be lower.

Delon also has Swiss nationality. His daughter Anouchka, who lives in Switzerland, is apparently trying to enforce his move to Switzerland against her brothers’ wishes.


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