
La tendencia del BNS a promocionarse con información privilegiada levanta ampollas entre los economistas
Critics highlight SNB's deviation from global norms in leadership appointments. Keystone/PETER KLAUNZER The Swiss National Bank (SNB) stands out for its distinctive approach to leadership appointments, diverging from the customary practices by consistently promoting internal candidates.
Enormes lluvias en algunas regiones del Tesino
Las precipitaciones sin precedentes del fin de semana de Pascua empapan el Tesino y las regiones circundantes.
Grupos eritreos se enfrentan en la calle en Gerlafingen
En Gerlafingen SO, se produjeron enfrentamientos entre detractores del régimen eritreo y simpatizantes, que provocaron la intervención de la policía.
Domingo 31 de marzo - Resumen del fin de semana
Swiss municipalities offering the best cost of living, the diplomatic nuances of Switzerland's stance on global matters, and the rising healthcare demands.
Los relojes avanzan una hora - Domingo por la noche
Switzerland and most European nations transition to daylight saving time. Keystone/CHRISTIAN BEUTLER On Sunday at 02:00, the clocks in Switzerland and in most European countries are set forward by one hour to 03:00.
Herido un anciano en un atropello en Moudon; el sospechoso se entrega
Un hombre de 80 años confiesa que se dio a la fuga en un accidente en Moudon VD, dejando gravemente herido a un peatón de 65 años.
La tormenta Föhn desata su furia en Uri
Una feroz tormenta Föhn azota Suiza, trae vientos huracanados e interrumpe los servicios de los teleféricos.
Atascos de Semana Santa en el portal de San Gotardo
El fin de semana de Pascua paraliza el tráfico en el túnel de San Gotardo; un atasco de 4 km anuncia una temporada de mucho tráfico.
Francia salva a los suizos atrapados en Haití
Francia organiza una evacuación crítica de 170 ciudadanos y europeos, incluido el personal suizo de la COSUDE, del tumultuoso Haití.
MCH Group’s Financial Struggles Persist into the New Year
Despite a boost in exhibition sales, MCH Group's losses widen, affected by operational challenges and a significant provision for a Zurich property.
Avalanche in Graubünden Claims Lives
A tragic avalanche near Klosters, Graubünden, claims two lives, marking the season's 14th casualties in the area.
9 Cantons With Decide on Over 20 Proposals
Swiss voters face a broad array of proposals, from Zurich's airport expansion to Geneva's cantonal anthem.
Tragic Avalanche in Saas-Grund Claims Skier’s Life
An avalanche in Saas-Grund, Valais, turns fatal for a skier amidst a high-risk avalanche warning, marking the fifth such casualty in Switzerland this winter.
Sunday, March 3rd – Weekly Round-Up
Swiss milk industry's call for a 3 centime increase per liter sparks debate, amidst falling farm numbers, tractor registrations surge, while crimes by asylum seekers and the CS takeover legal dismissals draw attention.
Austerity Demonstrations in Ticino
Manifestaciones contra la austeridad en el Tesino: Más de 6.000 personas se manifiestan en Bellinzona
In a significant turnout, over 6,000 demonstrators took to the streets of Bellinzona, Ticino, uniting against the government's austerity measures.
Swiss Farmer Protests
Protestas en las granjas suizas: Exigencia de precios más altos
Swiss farmers unite in a powerful protest for equitable milk prices and sustainable farming conditions, marking a significant moment in Switzerland's agricultural landscape.
Freddy Nock
Freddy Nock celebrará un funeral público en Märstetten
Honoring the Legacy of Freddy Nock: A Tribute to the Daredevil of the Skies Keystone/SDA - LAURENT GILLIERON A public memorial service for deceased Swiss high-wire artist Freddy Nock will be held in Märstetten TG in just under three weeks' time.
Sunday, February 25th, Weekly Round-Up
In this weeks roundup, Ruag MRO amid scandal criticisms, Switzerland's energy surplus in a post-blackout recovery, and the looming pension crisis for future retirees.

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