
Thousands of scouts convene in Switzerland
Why glaciers are melting more rapidly, five reasons not to move to Switzerland, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from July 22 - 26.
Swiss prison system on trial in the media
Why farmers are helicoptering water to thirsty cows, wolf packs are attacking Swiss cattle, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from July 19 - 22.
Switzerland should brace for blackouts
As tensions mount between Russia and Europe over the raging war in Ukraine, Europe struggles to contend with Russia's deliberate reduction in gas supply to the continent.
Swiss government proposes steps away from neutrality
Why Russia is threatening to sue a Swiss newspaper, when Covid will peak across the country, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from July 16 - 19.
Why Italy is targeting Swiss drivers
Bern shuts down a power plant, Switzerland’s heat wave will continue, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from July 12 – July 15.
Despite sky-high expenses, Swiss population growing
Switzerland’s four largest cities are also four of the most expensive places on the planet; yet, immigration to Switzerland continues to surge and the overall population swells.
Switzerland the ‘weakest link’ in European sanctions
Why Switzerland has too many Covid vaccines, the bleak outlook for Switzerland’s 2023 economy, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from July 7 – July 13.
Swiss FIFA Corruption trial has a verdict
The famous FIFA-corruption trial has finally come to an end this month, after 6 years of criminal proceedings.
Refugees denied work visas for prostitution
Why refugees are being denied the right to work in a country where prostitution is legal, will Swiss IDs move over to a digital format, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from July 1 – July 5.
Swiss opioid abuse on the rise
Why the number of cross-border employees is expected to double, Novartis fires thousands of employees, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from June 28 – July 1.
US, Switzerland push forward pharma deal
How Swiss law will affect the iconic Toblerone chocolate bar, when construction will begin on the tunnel from Geneva to St.
‘Sanctioned’ Russian oil funneled through Switzerland
Amidst rising sanctions against Russia since its invasion of Ukraine, a handful of companies doing business through Geneva have actually increased their shipments of Russian oil, according to a new report in the Swiss newspaper Le Matin Dimanche.
Swiss terrorism plot foiled
How Russian oligarchs may be laundering money through Switzerland, Swiss scientist wins award for cancer vaccine, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from June 21 – 24.
Credit Suisse under fire
Ukrainians struggle to find work, inside a Swiss capsule hotel, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from June 17 – 21.
IRS demands Swiss banks cough up info
Migros will not stock alcohol, Health minister Alain Berset cleared of charges, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from June 14 - 17.
Switzerland investigates war crimes in Ukraine
The status on Covid-19 boosters, why TESLA is selling well in Switzerland, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from June 10 – 14.
Geneva: Protests erupt over global trade conference
Traffic came to a halt in Geneva over the weekend as hundreds of protestors gathered to bring awareness to various issues the World Trade Organization (WTO) will be discussing this week as part of its 12th Ministerial Conference.
Switzerland joins UN Security Council
The U.K.’s Prince Andrew sells his Swiss chalet, Bern is criticized for refugee housing, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from June 7 – 10.

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