
Comienza en Tesino el juicio por corrupción contra la FIFA
Swiss prices continues to rise, Switzerland sends more money to war-torn Ukraine, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from June 3 - 7.
El mercado suizo del lujo se resiente de las sanciones
After Western countries mounted sanctions against Russian assets abroad in response to the war in Ukraine, a cat-and-mouse game regarding that wealth started in Switzerland between regulators and oligarchs.
Which Swiss companies won’t pull out of Russia
Swiss border patrol agents found an unusual item, a bigger military budget was approved, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from May 31 – June 3.
Suiza se niega a enviar tanques a Ucrania
Por segunda vez en un mes, Suiza se ha negado a producir material bélico que otros países europeos han encargado, alegando que si el material se utiliza para luchar en la guerra ruso-ucraniana, Suiza habrá violado su propia cláusula de neutralidad.
Swiss biker gangs brawl in Bern
A Swiss company implements a four-day work week, China refuses to talk to Switzerland about trade and more in our roundup of Swiss news from May 27-31.
Switzerland destroying Covid vaccines
Roche releases monkeypox tests, Russians are still vacationing in Switzerland, and more in our roundup of Swiss news from May 24 - 27.
Davos: Freedom of press under fire
Conservative American journalist Jack Posobiec posted videos to Twitter this week recounting how he was detained by police at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos while attempting to report on WEF founder Klaus Schwab.
Monkeypox arrives in Switzerland
Switzerland's skyrocketing electricity prices, a Russian diplomat resigns in Geneva and more in our roundup of Swiss news from May 20 - 24.
Nestlé airlifts formula to the U.S.
Swiss law will protect country against foreign investors, Swiss embassy in Ukraine reopens and more in our roundup of news from May 17 - 20.
The Swiss connection: How Russia is weathering tough sanctions
Writing in this week, Alex Kimani lays out the reasons why the Russian ruble is thriving under Western-imposed sanctions and how Switzerland may be to blame.
Switzerland picks up struggling Apple, Tesla stocks
A roundup of Swiss tech new from the week. Switzerland invests in AMC, Rivian and more The Swiss National Bank this week disclosed that it had scooped up U.
Swiss voting results: Border control, organ donation and more
The results are in from Switzerland’s weekend vote and the country is in for some changes; but overall, Swiss citizens want to keep things status quo.
Switzerland unfreezes frozen Russian assets
Ticino takes Russian oligarch’s villa, understanding the legend of Mount Pilatus and more in our roundup of Swiss news from May 10 - 13.
Estados Unidos empieza a apretar a Suiza por los activos rusos
We've excerpted an editorial from AltSwiss on how the Helsinki Commission has focused its microscope on Switzerland again – this time, accusing the nation of buddying up to Putin.
Un reloj suizo bate un nuevo récord en una subasta
Why Apple employees are roaming through Swiss cities, ‘Russophobia’ in Switzerland and more in our roundup of Swiss news from May 4 - 10.
500 kg of cocaine found in Swiss Nespresso factory
May 7, 2022 Swiss police this week confiscated more than 500 kg of cocaine hidden in a container in Nespresso factory in western Switzerland, local police have reported.
Switzerland prepares for war-induced energy crisis
May 6, 2022 The Swiss government this week announced that it is preparing for “severe” power shortages due to an unstable gas supply line from Russia, according to federal officials.
En plena guerra, Suiza se ve obligada a definir su neutralidad
After Switzerland banned an export of ammunition to help Ukraine’s war efforts, politicians are calling for the famously neutral country to redefine how far neutrality extends.

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