New Chairman Elected for Migros Bank

New Chairman Elected for Migros Bank

Vie, May 24th 2024

Bernhard Kobler steps up as the new Chairman of Migros Bank, following Fabrice Zumbrunnen’s resignation.

KEYSTONE/Melanie Duchene

Bernhard Kobler has been elected as the new Chairman of the Board of Directors of Migros Bank during the Annual General Meeting. He succeeds Fabrice Zumbrunnen, who is resigning from his position after more than six years on the Board and his resignation as Migros CEO. The current Migros CEO, Mario Irminger, was also newly elected to the Board of Directors and will take over as Vice-Chairman.

Kobler, with extensive CEO experience in the banking sector, has been a significant member of the Board of Directors, shaping Migros Bank’s overall strategy from the beginning. This strategic input has been instrumental in the bank’s current trajectory.

The seven-member committee now includes the newly elected members along with existing members Isabelle Zimmermann, Irène Billo-Riediker, Isabel Stirnimann Schaller, Michael Hobmeier, and Ursula La Roche. However, La Roche will step down mid-year, prompting the search for her successor.


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