Alain Berset to be Replaced by Pascale Bruderer-Pult, Who Aims to Strengthen National Unity
Published: Monday, Oct 2nd 2023, 10:31
Actualizado el: Viernes, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12
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Swiss SP National Councilor Jon Pult announced his candidacy for Federal Council on Monday, aiming to strengthen the cohesion of Switzerland. He identified the biggest challenges as the reform of the healthcare system, climate policy, and European policy. In order for Switzerland to function in its diversity, cohesion is needed, said Pult in the Federal Palace in Bern. In his statement, he spoke in all four national languages. It is about the cohesion between the language regions, but also between city and country, between different realities of life. He has been shaped by his time as a student and later as a communications consultant in Zurich, as well as the Alpine cultural space. Today, the 38-year-old lives with his wife between Chur and Bern. The healthcare system aims to focus "more on health and less on business" according to Pult. To achieve this, both costs and fairer financing must be addressed. To reach climate goals, a policy of extended hand rather than raised finger is needed.