Vivir en Suiza

The traffic jam in front of the Gotthard towards the south is growing to ten kilometers.
The traffic on the Gotthard road heading south has increased to ten kilometres on early Saturday morning.
A Colorful Basel Tattoo with Sounds from Four Continents
The Basel Tattoo celebrated its premiere on Friday with around 1000 participants.
Police in Winterthur Ends Operation Due to Suspicious Object
On Friday evening, the Winterthur police were kept busy for hours by a suspicious object.
Bönigen Receives Drainage Tunnel for 40 Million Swiss Francs
The village of Brienz in the Swiss canton of Graubünden is set to receive a nearly 40 million Swiss francs drainage tunnel to slow down the village's slide into the valley.
Train and Road Blocked in Winterthur Due to Suspicious Object
On Friday evening, the train and road traffic in Winterthur was restricted due to a suspicious object.
The couple did not engage in human trafficking according to the Zurich Higher Court.
On Friday, the Zurich Canton Supreme Court acquitted a married couple of the charge of human trafficking, but found them guilty of other charges.
Switzerland Supports Migrants in Croatia with 860,000 Francs
The Swiss government has pledged 860,000 Swiss francs to support migration structures in Croatia over the next two years.
Most Bank Employees See Image Damage from CS Debacle
Three out of four bank employees in Switzerland believe that the turmoil surrounding Credit Suisse and its takeover by UBS has damaged the reputation of banking professions.
Waiting in Line for Gotthard in the South Grows to Over Ten Kilometers
The traffic heading south through the Gotthard Tunnel has exceeded its capacity, leading to a ten kilometre long traffic jam on the A2 between Erstfeld UR and Göschenen on Friday afternoon.
Zurich Upper Court: Judgment on Human Trafficking at 16 o’clock.
Today, the Zurich Higher Court is expected to announce its verdict in the human trafficking trial (exploitation of a nanny) at 4 pm, or possibly later.
Man Dies After Accident on A16 Near Tavannes
A man died on the spot after a three-vehicle accident on the A16 near Tavannes BE on Thursday.
Race for Second Place Could Decide the Federal Council Election
The race for the second strongest party in Switzerland is heating up, with the FDP and SP neck and neck in the polls.
Man Confesses After Killing Woman in Bex
A 50-year-old Swiss man has confessed to killing a 41-year-old woman with multiple stab wounds in Bex VD at the end of April.
Experto pide gestión de casos para jóvenes sin formación
Thomas Bolli, director del Laboratorio Suizo de Educación de la cátedra de sistemas educativos de la ETH de Zúrich, opina que habría que implantar un sistema de gestión de casos para quienes no tengan una cualificación profesional o un título de bachillerato.
El PRD contra la alianza de la lista de la UDC con grupos como Mass-Voll
El FDP ha expresado su oposición a cualquier conexión de listas entre la UDC y movimientos ciudadanos como el Corona-Massnahmen-kritischen Mass-Voll.
Se levantan todas las prohibiciones tras el grave incendio de Vétroz (Valais)
Una semana después de un gran incendio en una nave industrial de Vétroz (Valais), las autoridades han levantado una serie de restricciones, entre ellas la prohibición de pastoreo y recolección de forraje.
La Comisión de Investigación de la Fusión CS está trabajando.
La Comisión Parlamentaria de Investigación (PUK) sobre la CS Notfusion celebró su primera sesión oficial.
Las tormentas provocan decenas de miles de rayos y daños por granizo
En los últimos días se han registrado fuertes tormentas y daños por granizo en toda Suiza.

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