Public Consultation on Animal Protein for Pigs and Poultry

Published: Monday, Sep 18th 2023, 10:41

Actualizado el: Viernes, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12

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The Swiss Federal Department of the Interior (EDI) has opened a consultation on Monday to allow the farming industry to feed certain animal proteins to animals under strict conditions. Pigs would be allowed to eat processed poultry proteins and poultry would be allowed to eat processed pork proteins. Additionally, the animals would be allowed to receive insect proteins. The food and feed processors and storage companies involved must meet strict hygiene requirements. The European Union has allowed the feeding of animal proteins since September 2021, which would allow for the better use of high-quality slaughter waste that cannot be used as food. The EDI believes that the approval is also sensible in terms of sustainable land and food economy and creates equality with EU law. Since 2001, a feeding ban on animal meal to all farm animals has been in place in Switzerland to combat bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). The consultation on the revised Ordinance on Animal By-Products and the new Ordinance on the Utilization of Animal By-Products will last until December 15th.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


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