The Cleaning Staff Gets a Three Percent Pay Increase

Published: Friday, Sep 22nd 2023, 09:52

Actualizado el: Viernes, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12

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The Swiss cleaning personnel will receive a three percent wage increase in the coming year. This was agreed upon by the Swiss Cleaning Companies Association Allpura and the trade unions Unia, Syna and VPOD. The wage for the cleaning personnel was originally only supposed to increase by two percent according to the current collective bargaining agreement (GAV) for the years 2022 to 2024. However, the contracting parties are now responding to the ongoing inflation. For the current year, the contracting parties had already decided on a three instead of a two percent wage increase. The GAV Cleaning in the German-speaking part of Switzerland expires at the end of 2025. According to the announcement, the contracting parties want to further upgrade the cleaning. The GAV Commission of Allpura has expressed the opinion that there must be further substantial wage increases for the GAV from 2026. This is also the opinion of the trade unions.


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