The .swiss domain will now also be available to individuals.

Published: Wednesday, Jun 28th 2023, 11:16

Actualizado el: Viernes, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12

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From the first half of 2024, people with residence in Switzerland or Swiss citizenship will be able to obtain a domain name with the .swiss extension. The Swiss Federal Council has approved a revision of the corresponding ordinance. Self-employed individuals without a trade register entry, such as architects, craftsmen or craftswomen, should also have the opportunity to obtain a .swiss domain name, according to a media statement from the Federal Office of Communications (Bakom). Therefore, the Federal Council has decided to relax the requirements set out in the Ordinance on Internet Domains (VID) for the allocation of these internet addresses. This will give "the entire Swiss community access to a name space of high quality and maximum security," the statement said. In order to obtain a .swiss domain name, an individual must meet certain conditions, according to Bakom. The requested designation must generally contain at least one of the official surnames or another surname registered with the civil registry. Swiss nationals living abroad may also only use their .swiss domain name for private or charitable purposes or for club purposes. For commercial activities from abroad, however, this may not be used, the Bakom wrote further. The ordinance also contains provisions on the order of allocation if several applications for the same .swiss domain name are submitted. With the revision of the VID, the Federal Council also wants to intensify the fight against cybercrime. For example, in the event of suspected abuse, the domain should be blocked more quickly and, if necessary, the allocation revoked.


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