Up to 20,000 People Expected at Climate Demonstration in Bern
Published: Saturday, Sep 30th 2023, 03:39
Actualizado el: Viernes, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12
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Today, up to 20,000 people are expected to attend the national climate demonstration in Bern, Switzerland. The theme of the rally is "Act Now!" and it has been organised by the climate movement and various environmental and nature conservation organisations. The climate movement has caused many to rethink their actions, and solutions to make industries more climate-friendly are being found. However, not enough is being done and the time for small steps is over. The demonstrators want to send a message for immediate climate protection and climate justice. The biggest contributors to the crisis must take responsibility and the government must give priority to climate protection. The rally will start at Bollwerk near the Bern train station, followed by a march through the city and speeches and concerts on the Bundesplatz. Six extra trains have been organised for the demonstrators, as well as collective bike rides. Traffic restrictions are expected in the afternoon. This demonstration is the last possible one on the Bundesplatz before the Swiss federal elections, as the Bern city government will not allow such events in October.