Aumenta la IED suiza: Mientras la inversión extranjera se ralentiza en Alemania

Aumenta la IED suiza: Mientras la inversión extranjera se ralentiza en Alemania

Jue, 2 de mayo de 2024

As foreign investments in Europe dip, Switzerland bucks the trend with a significant surge in projects and job creation.

KEYSTONE/Michael Buholzer

While foreign investments across Europe saw a decline last year, Switzerland emerged as a standout performer, demonstrating a robust increase in both investment projects and job creation, according to a report by the consulting firm EY. The number of foreign investment projects in Switzerland soared by over 50% to 89 projects.

This positive trend in Switzerland starkly contrasts with the broader European landscape, where investments fell by 4%, and the number of new investment projects decreased by the same margin. Despite the challenges, Switzerland maintains its twelfth place in Europe for the number of new investment projects, standing out for its economic resilience and appeal to international investors.

The attractiveness of Switzerland as an investment destination is further underscored by its strategic position as a gateway to the European market, coupled with favourable factors such as its tax system.

Moreover, Swiss companies are also significant players abroad, particularly in Germany, where they have created over 12,000 jobs, making Switzerland the seventh largest foreign investor in Europe. This is indicative of Swiss firms’ robust outbound investment activity, which continues to have a substantial impact across the continent.

In contrast, the overall European investment climate has struggled to reach pre-pandemic levels, with a total of 5,694 projects announced in 2023, marking an 11% decrease from 2019. However, countries like Turkey and Switzerland are exceptions, showing considerable momentum in attracting foreign investments.

Switzerland’s success in bucking the European downtrend highlights its sustained competitiveness and the effectiveness of its economic policies in attracting and retaining global investors. The country’s ongoing commitment to fostering a supportive environment for business clearly pays dividends, positioning it as a stable and dynamic hub within Europe’s fluctuating economic landscape.


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