Central nuclear suiza: 22 incidentes registrados en 2023

Central nuclear suiza: 22 incidentes registrados en 2023

Jue, Ene 25th 2024

La central nuclear suiza experimenta 22 incidentes notificables en 2023, pero mantiene un estricto cumplimiento de la seguridad, garantizando que no se produzcan daños a las personas ni al medio ambiente.

Swiss nuclear power plants recorded 22 incidents relevant to nuclear safety in 2023. These incidents occurred across three major plants: Gösgen, Beznau I, and Leibstadt. Interestingly, this marks a decrease from the previous year, with five fewer incidents reported in 2022 compared to 2023.

The Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (Ensi) emphasized that all nuclear facilities adhered to the established safety requirements. This adherence was in line with legal provisions, ensuring the continual protection of the population and staff from radioactive substances.

A breakdown of the incidents shows eight occurrences at the Gösgen Swiss Nuclear Power Plant in the canton of Solothurn. Meanwhile, the Leibstadt and Beznau I plants in the canton of Aargau reported seven incidents each. Additionally, two incidents were related to the nuclear facilities of the Paul Scherrer Institute, also located in Aargau.

Highlighting the non-critical nature of these incidents, Ensi reassured that none posed any danger to public safety or the environment. Notably, the Beznau 2 Swiss Nuclear Power Plant, alongside the Mühleberg plant (currently being dismantled) and the central interim storage for nuclear waste in Würenlingen AG, reported no incidents in the year.

The sole emergency shutdown of a reactor in 2023 occurred at the Leibstadt Swiss Nuclear Power Plant in May. Triggered by a low water level in the reactor after an annual overhaul, this shutdown was an automatic safety response.

Ensi’s report underlined that all releases of radioactive substances from Swiss nuclear facilities remained below permissible limits throughout 2023. No unauthorized discharges bolstered the country’s commitment to nuclear safety and environmental stewardship.


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