Financial Transaction Tax Favored for AHV Pension Funding

Financial Transaction Tax Favored for AHV Pension Funding

Sun, Mar 17th 2024

A majority of Swiss citizens support a financial transaction tax to fund the newly approved 13th AHV pension.


In a survey, a majority voted in favor of creating a financial transaction tax to finance the 13th AHV pension approved by the people. Apart from savings in the military, no other proposals received majority support.

In the representative survey conducted on behalf of “NZZ am Sonntag”, 64 percent of respondents considered a financial transaction tax to be one of the three most important sources of funding for the expansion of the social welfare system.

51% were also in favor of higher federal contributions through explicit savings in the military. The survey was conducted by the Yougov Switzerland Institute (formerly Link).

Other recently discussed proposals were clearly rejected. A higher military tax, higher wage deductions or a higher retirement age, for example, were each supported by less than 30 percent.

48 percent were in favour of higher federal contributions through savings in development aid, and 40 percent were in favour of the introduction of a national inheritance tax.

The survey was conducted between March 8 and 10. It involved 1258 people who corresponded to the Swiss population in terms of age, gender and region.

At the beginning of March, around 58% of the Swiss electorate voted in favor of introducing a 13th AHV pension from 2026. It is unclear how the additional four to five billion francs required for this will be financed. The Federal Council is examining various options and intends to submit them to parliament.


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