Local Swiss Wine Won Last Year: New Data

Local Swiss Wine Won Last Year: New Data

Thu, Apr 18th 2024

While overall wine consumption in Switzerland saw a minor decline in 2023, Swiss wines enjoyed an increase in market share and popularity.

KEYSTONE/Christian Beutler

People in Switzerland drank slightly less wine in 2023 than in the previous year. Nevertheless, Swiss wines were able to increase their market share according to the Confederation.

Overall, wine consumption fell by 1.3 million liters to 235.9 million liters, as reported by the Federal Office for Agriculture on Thursday. This corresponds to a decrease of 0.5 percent.

More white wine was drunk in 2023 than in the previous year. Red wine accounted for just under 64% of wine consumption – a good 150 million liters were drunk last year.

The market share of Swiss wine amounted to 38.6% – 1.6 percentage points more than in the previous year.

91 million liters of Swiss wine were consumed, an increase of 3.8% compared to the previous year. In contrast, consumption of foreign wines fell by 3.1% and amounted to 144.9 million liters.


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