Cardinal Tscherrig Hopes for Reforms – He is Silent on Abuses.
Published: Sunday, Oct 1st 2023, 08:52
Updated At: Friday, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12
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Cardinal Emil Paul Tscherrig, the new Swiss cardinal, hopes for real church reforms at the World Synod in Rome, which begins on Wednesday. He believes that more work needs to be done to involve lay people in church affairs and to give them more of a say. This year's conference will have 365 voting members, the majority of whom are bishops, but there will also be other clergy and lay people, as well as 55 women who will have voting rights for the first time in the history of the Catholic Church. Tscherrig hopes that the Synod will find new ways to address the current problems in the Church, such as the Swiss abuse study. He declined to comment on the issue, as he lives outside of Switzerland. Tscherrig was appointed as a cardinal on Saturday, making him the second Swiss cardinal in the Vatican and the tenth Swiss to hold the office. He is one of the Pope's most important advisors and administrators, and is also part of the group that elects the Pope. However, Tscherrig does not see himself as a potential Pope, as he was preparing to retire in February. He is unsure of what his new role will entail.