Cardinal Tscherrig Hopes for Reforms, Remains Silent on Abuse – Professional Headline

Published: Sunday, Oct 1st 2023, 09:00

Updated At: Friday, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12

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Cardinal Emil Paul Tscherrig of Switzerland hopes for genuine church reforms at the World Synod beginning Wednesday in Rome. "I hope that the synodal process will be a success for the necessary changes in the Church," he told the "Sonntagsblick." It will take a lot more work to involve lay people more in church affairs and to get them more involved, said the 76-year-old Walliser. At the conference from October 4th to 29th, 365 voting members will be in attendance. The vast majority of them are bishops, but there are also other clergy and lay people - non-clerics - present. For the first time in the history of the Catholic Church, nearly 55 women will also participate as voting members. In addition, experts who are not allowed to vote will be present. "I hope that the Synod will find new paths," said Tscherrig. Tscherrig declined to comment on the current problems of the Church surrounding the Swiss Abuse Study. "I am very concerned about this issue. But I cannot comment on it because I live outside of Switzerland." The University of Zurich released a study in mid-September documenting 1002 cases of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church in Switzerland since the mid-20th century. According to the researchers, this is only the tip of the iceberg. On Saturday, Tscherrig was among 20 other bishops and archbishops in the Vatican to be appointed cardinal. He is thus the second Swiss cardinal in the Vatican alongside Kurt Koch and only the tenth Swiss to hold the office. Cardinals are the most important advisors and administrators of the Holy Father. They also elect the Pope. Cardinal Tscherrig has ruled out becoming Pope himself for the time being. "No, I can't imagine that," he told the newspaper. When asked if he would accept a nomination, he replied: "I don't know." He had already been preparing for his retirement. Everything had been arranged and his term as Nuncio of Italy was due to end in February. "Now I don't know what the new order is," said the Cardinal appointed by the Pope.


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