First measures of the energy management decree come into force

Published: Wednesday, Nov 20th 2024, 14:30

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The Act on a Secure Electricity Supply from Renewable Energy Sources, or the Energy Package Decree for short, was clearly approved at the ballot box in June. The Federal Council is now bringing the first implementation package into force on January 1, 2025. The most important changes to energy law:

NEW PRIORITIZATION: In suitability areas, which the cantons must designate with regard to nature and landscape conservation as well as agriculture, large solar installations with a winter electricity production of at least 5 gigawatt hours (GWh) now also have priority. However, the population still has a say. For example, votes on specific projects remain possible in municipalities. For 16 explicitly named hydropower projects, there are planning simplifications with fewer opportunities to have a say compared to today because land use planning no longer applies. Hydropower plants may also be planned in biotopes of national importance, in certain water and migratory bird reserves, on glacier forefields and alpine alluvial plains - but only if they contribute to improving the ecological situation or if only their residual water section is located in the protected area.

PROJECTS: Anyone who wants to build a photovoltaic system with an output of at least 100 kilowatts (kW) above a previously uncovered parking lot will now receive a bonus. Projects for wind energy, hydropower and geothermal power plants can now also apply for a maximum of forty percent of the eligible project planning costs to be covered.

SAVING TARGETS: Energy suppliers must support private individuals and companies in saving electricity, for example by choosing the most energy-efficient appliances possible. However, there is still no target for 2025.

ELECTRICITY IDENTIFICATION: Energy suppliers must send the electricity identification to customers once a year with the bill. The comparison of the electricity product ordered with the electricity supplier's supplier mix must now be shown in an attractive graphic. Furthermore, the CO2 emissions directly caused by electricity production and the amount of radioactive waste produced must be shown in accordance with the certificates of origin.

WATER POWER RESERVE: From 2025, operators of reservoirs with a storage capacity of 10 GWh or more will be obliged to retain sufficient water in the reservoirs for winter electricity production to cope with critical supply bottlenecks. They will receive a moderate lump-sum payment for this.


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