Lowering Health Costs Has Highest Priority According to Berset
Published: Tuesday, Sep 26th 2023, 13:53
Updated At: Friday, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12
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The Swiss Federal Council has identified the need to reduce the growth of healthcare costs as a top priority. This was stated by Health Minister Alain Berset in response to the announcement of increased health insurance premiums. He noted that all stakeholders must work together to find solutions, as the rise in costs clearly indicates that further measures are necessary. Berset emphasised that the responsibility for managing the healthcare system lies with the Parliament, doctors, patients, cantons and health insurers, who must collaborate to find meaningful reforms that do not further burden those with the lowest incomes. The Federal Council is taking a major role in this effort by providing more than 3.3 billion francs for premium reductions in the coming year.