No Increase in Swisscoy Contingent at Kosovo Plant
Published: Sunday, Oct 1st 2023, 14:10
Updated At: Friday, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12
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Switzerland is not planning to increase the number of Swisscoy troops in Kosovo following recent tensions in Banjska. However, the NATO peacekeeping force KFOR is to be reinforced. The Swiss Army's Competence Centre for Peace Promotion in the International Context (Swissint) stated on Sunday in response to a request from the news agency Keystone-SDA that no increase of the Swiss contingent is planned due to recent events. The safety of the soldiers has the highest priority and also takes precedence over operational needs. At the moment, there are no indications that security is not guaranteed. Members of Swisscoy contribute to the multinational KFOR mission in various ways to support its main objectives: maintaining a secure and stable environment and ensuring freedom of movement for all citizens and KFOR. The soldiers are deployed at various locations. Banjska is not in an area of responsibility for the Swiss. On Sunday, tensions between Serbia and Kosovo were reignited by an attack from a 30-strong, heavily armed Serbian commando unit on Kosovo police officers in the town of Banjska near Mitrovica in northern Kosovo. Three Serbian attackers and one Kosovo police officer were killed in the incident. Since 1999, Switzerland has been participating in the NATO-led KFOR mission. Currently, the maximum deployment of Swisscoy is 195 military personnel.