Producing Electricity with Geothermal Energy in Inwil LU
Published: Tuesday, Sep 26th 2023, 06:13
Updated At: Friday, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12
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The CKW is planning to build a geothermal power plant in the Inwil/Perlen region of Switzerland. The plant will use hot water located 4000 meters below the surface to generate electricity and heat for thousands of households all year round. The exact location of the plant has yet to be determined, but several sites along the A14 highway are being considered. The geological conditions in the area are favorable, and the nearby Renergia waste incineration plant in Perlen provides access to several district heating networks. The hot water needed for energy production is believed to be located in a mussel limestone layer 4000 meters below the surface, and temperatures of up to 140 degrees Celsius are expected. The CKW sees geothermal energy as an important element for a secure, reliable and climate-friendly energy supply.