Switzerland delivers relief supplies to Ukraine

Published: Wednesday, Mar 13th 2024, 17:40

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A consignment of Swiss-financed relief supplies arrived in the Ukrainian capital Kiev on Wednesday. According to the Foreign Ministry, the total value of the material amounts to around 900,000 francs.

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) financed and organized the transport of the first delivery in 2024, as announced by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA).

The current delivery follows on from the firefighting and ambulance vehicles transported at the end of 2023. Firefighting equipment, spare parts for firefighting vehicles and medical items such as vaccination kits and medical gloves were delivered.

In addition, five loop detectors will be delivered for humanitarian demining, which will be used in a partner project with the Fondation suisse de déminage (FSD), the statement continued. At the end of September 2023, the Federal Council approved funding of CHF 100 million to demine civilian and agricultural areas in Ukraine.

The material comes from the stocks of the Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS). Some of the fire protection and work clothing was donated by the town of Burgdorf BE.

A further two trucks are planned for Ukraine. In total, Switzerland has delivered over 1,400 tons of relief supplies to Ukraine and its neighbouring countries in the last two years.


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