Tens of Thousands at National Climate Demonstration in Bern
Published: Saturday, Sep 30th 2023, 14:13
Updated At: Friday, Oct 13th 2023, 14:12
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Thousands of people participated in a national climate demonstration in Bern on Saturday, calling for immediate climate protection. The demonstration started at 14.30 with a delay from the Bollwerk near the Bern railway station and ended at the Bundesplatz. The organisers reported over 60,000 participants. The demonstrators formed several blocks to highlight the effects of climate change on health, agriculture, outdoor activities and other areas of society. The main demand of the rally was climate justice, as the crisis is deepening existing inequalities between the Global North and South. The Klima-Allianz Schweiz, comprising of 140 organisations from the environment, development, churches, youth, unions and consumer protection, had called for the demonstration.