Swiss Farms To Face Fewer Regulations

Swiss Farms To Face Fewer Regulations

Thu, Apr 25th 2024

In response to concerns over bureaucratic burdens, the Swiss Federal Council advocates for fewer farm inspections, aiming for a more streamlined agricultural policy.

KEYSTONE/Gian Ehrenzeller

The Federal Council wants to reduce the number of inspections of farms in future.

Fribourg SVP National Councillor Pierre-André Page criticises the fact that farmers’ lives are made more difficult by “countless controls”. In addition to their work in the fields, farmers are often faced with hours of office work. Dozens of forms have to be filled out in which the same information has to be given over and over again.

Page therefore calls on the Federal Council in a motion to reduce controls and bureaucracy in agriculture. The government must “immediately ensure that these controls are simplified, put an end to the police state and thus restore confidence in agriculture”.

The Federal Council is prepared to lend a hand, as it writes in its statement on the motion published on Thursday.

With the introduction of the risk-based control system in 2020, initial simplifications have already been made in the area of direct payments.

In future, the control system should be even more risk-based. “The aim is to further reduce the number of controls in the implementation of agricultural policy and other federal policies.”


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