Swiss Insurance To Rise To 6% By 2025: Comparis

Swiss Insurance To Rise To 6% By 2025: Comparis

Thu, May 23rd 2024

Comparis forecasts six percent rise in 2025; some regions to see over 10% hike.

KEYSTONE/Christian Beutler

The comparison portal Comparis has forecast an average increase in basic insurance premiums of six percent for 2025. In some cantons and premium regions, premiums could even rise by more than ten percent.

Despite the average premium increase for 2024 of 8.7 %, some insurers will have a thin reserve cushion at the end of the year, as Comparis wrote in a press release on Thursday. It is therefore possible that premiums for basic insurance will rise by more than ten percent in some cases.

The comparison portal bases its forecast on the growth in overall healthcare costs in Switzerland. Next year, these will rise by 3.2 %, according to the outlook published by Comparis and the ETH economic research center. Growth of 3.6 % was forecast for the current year.


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