Swiss Rent Continues to Rise Through January

Swiss Rent Continues to Rise Through January

Mon, Feb 19th 2024

Swiss Rent sees a January uptick, with marked regional disparities. Explore the latest Homegate index insights and city-specific shifts in rental markets.


In January, Swiss rent witnessed a notable adjustment, with tenants experiencing a slight rise in housing costs. The Homegate rental index, a collaborative effort between the real estate marketplace Homegate and Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB), indicated a 0.4 point hike to 125.6 points, marking a 0.3 percent rise from the previous month and a 1.9 percent year-on-year increase. This index meticulously tracks the quality-adjusted alterations in rental prices for newly listed and re-let apartments, offering a clear picture of the current market trends.

Despite the overall uptick, the landscape of Swiss rent remains diverse, with cantonal asking rents swinging over a six percentage point range. January saw rent boosts in Nidwalden (+3.7%), Valais (+2.6%), and both Appenzells (+2.5%), contrasting with dips in Schwyz (-2.6%), Glarus (-1.7%), and Basel Stadt (-0.4%). Zurich, witnessing a minor setback (-0.4%) for the first time since August 2023, still boasted a 7.1% annual escalation, only surpassed by Graubünden (+8.5%) and Zug (+7.3%) in year-on-year comparisons.

The urban narrative of Swiss rent also presented mixed outcomes. Lausanne (-2.1%) and Lugano (-0.8%) experienced declines in asking rents, whereas Zurich and Bern each saw a 0.5% increment. Over the past year, Zurich led with an 11.5% surge in advertised rents, followed by notable increases in Geneva (+5.2%), Lucerne, and Bern (+4.8% each), highlighting the dynamic and varied nature of the Swiss rental market.


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