Thurgauer Kantonalbank Merges Mortgage Platform

Thurgauer Kantonalbank Merges Mortgage Platform

Wed, Apr 17th 2024

Thurgauer Kantonalbank (TKB) advances its mortgage brokerage sector by merging Valuu with Brokermarket.

KEYSTONE/Steffen Schmidt

Thurgauer Kantonalbank (TKB) is merging its mortgage brokerage platform Valuu, which it acquired from Credit Exchange (CredEx), with

In doing so, the bank aims to strengthen the position of its in-house platform launched in 2021, as TKB announced on Wednesday.

More than 70 mortgage brokers are currently registered on and eight banks and one insurance company are acting as chapter providers. Valuu, for its part, is used by over 120 brokers.

With the purchase of the mortgage brokerage platform Valuu, Thurgauer Kantonalbank (TKB) will become a minority shareholder and lender of the previous owner Credit Exchange (CredEx).

Upon completion of the transaction, TKB will act as an additional lender on the CredEx platform. At the same time, it will strengthen the existing shareholder base of Mobiliar, Postfinance, Vaudoise Insurance, Swisscom, Bank Avera and Glarner Kantonalbank as a new minority shareholder.

CredEx experienced considerable growth in its core business on its platform of the same name last year, with new volumes almost doubling, writes CredEx. After a “very good first quarter”, the signs for this year are also positive.


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