Tue, Oct 18th 2022
Pro Schweiz’s President Stephan Rietiker explains the movement’s aims this week in Bern.
Pro-Schweiz group: Switzerland’s neutrality must be protected
A new group in Switzerland, the Pro Schweiz/Pro Suisse/Pro Svizzera, launched this week under the leadership of Christoph Blocher, a former Federal Council member with the right-wing Swiss People’s Party (SVP), and local doctor Stephan Rietiker. Pro Schweiz’s aim is to keep Switzerland independent from the EU, ban military alliances such at NATO, and bring a neutrality initiative to a national vote. That initiative would prohibit Switzerland from engaging in EU sanctions against warring nations, such as sanctions against Russian oligarchs. “Neutrality protected Switzerland for 200 years,” Blocher said at the club’s launch in Bern, adding that it “is not possible for the Federal Council and a few politicians to break a principle that has been so successful.” Switzerland has long skirted the issue through using the “Swiss paradox” – enjoying 120 bilateral treaties for migration, information, trade and more; but, refusing to join the EU. Read more.
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