Chur Voters to Decide on CHF 3.88 Million Drug Room

Chur Voters to Decide on CHF 3.88 Million Drug Room

Mon, May 27th 2024

Chur votes on June 9 for a CHF 3.88 million loan to create a drug consumption room amid rising project costs.

KEYSTONE/Gian Ehrenzeller

On June 9, Chur voters will decide on a CHF 3.88 million loan to create a drug consumption room. The need for such a facility is urgent, though the project costs have significantly increased.

Initially, CHF 1.08 million was allocated for a three-year pilot. However, due to changes in drug use, especially with cocaine-based drugs, the city requires longer hours, more qualified staff, and additional infrastructure.

City Councillor Patrik Degiacomi (SP) noted in February 2024 that the initial budget was based on other cities’ figures, which also faced rising costs. The city parliament approved the loan by 13 votes to 0, with 7 abstentions. Only the Center Party opposed it, fearing further cost increases. The FDP also abstained.

Worrying Situation

Chur has one of Switzerland’s largest open drug scenes. The consumption room aims to stabilize addicts’ health and reduce visible drug use. The city park saw syringes found weekly jump from 10 in August 2022 to 90 a year later. Homelessness has also tripled, with over 40 people without fixed abode as of August 2023.

Controversial Location

If approved, the Konsumraum will open at Sägenstrasse 75 by summer. The 950 square meter site will be fenced and guarded. Local residents criticized the location in a residential area, collecting over 200 signatures against it. However, the location is not part of the June 9 referendum.


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