Naysayers Were Right: There Was No COVID Pandemic in Switzerland

Naysayers Were Right: There Was No COVID Pandemic in Switzerland

Mon, Mar 18th 2024

Fresh data released by the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics destroys the COVID narrative that a pandemic ripped through Switzerland. In terms of mortality, other than two short-lived spikes in deaths in the over-65 segment, the vast majority likely being over 80, COVID-19 was a non-event.

Stunning Data Reveals: The Vaccines did Nothing Much

The Swiss Federal Statistics Office (Bundesamt für Statistik, BFS) just released fresh mortality data for Switzerland from 2020-2024. As can be seen from various graphs, there were two significant spikes in deaths among those over 65 during ‘COVID-19: The first spike peaked in early April 2020, mainly on the Geneva (western) side; the second spike in this group peaked in mid-November 2020 in most cantons. Regions that were exempt from the more elevated spikes were in the Central and Southern regions. These charts include a grey band for expected statistical deviation in mortality; spikes above or below these bands are considered exceptional, but only in proportion to how much they stick out and for how long.

Figure 1: Total Mortality in Switzerland by Region, 65+, 2020-2024

Strangely, some regions avoided the first spike altogether, while every region experienced the second. There were other far less noticeable spikes in some areas at the end of 2021 and 2022, but these pale in significance to the second spike in early 2021.

Under-65 Data Reveals a Totally Different Picture

When we look at the under-65 group however, a totally different picture emerges. Other than a solitary, extremely brief spike in December 2022 in eastern Switzerland, there were no aberrant death rates.

Figure 2: Total Mortality in Switzerland by Region, under 65’s, 2020-2024

Bear in mind that the vaccines only arrived in Switzerland in March of 2021. As we can see from this chart from, the vaccines were only injected in Switzerland in quantity starting in April 2021 – far too late to cover either of the two preceding spikes in deaths. By January 2021, the second and most significant spike was over and deaths descended back to statistical noise.

Figure 3: Rolling average of COVID-19 injections in Switzerland, 2020-2023

COVID Injections Did Not Presage Reduced Deaths

Overlaying the ‘Vaccine Doses Administered’ chart above with the worst-looking 65+ mortality chart from the Lake Geneva region we come up with the revealing composite of Figure 4 below, where we can clearly see that the injections had a negligible effect on overall mortality rates in Switzerland. We have not analysed the data from other countries but we would fully expect to see congruent data sets with Swiss data.

Figure 4: Overlay of ‘doses administered’ and worst-district (Lake Geneva) over-65 mortality

While one could speculate that the vaccines had something to do with the lack of a recurrence of further death spikes, it is totally unprovable that the vaccines had any additional effect already provided by ‘natural’ immunity from the virus which already ripped through Switzerland by 2021. Speculation in the face of a totally uncontrolled experiment with a randomly mutating virus which side-tracked the vaccines is not science. The proof is on virologists and epidemiologists to definitively prove cause and effect, and to date we have not seen a single randomized placebo-controlled study showing efficacy, let alone one conducted by an impartial, independently funded research organization. All we can see here in the data is that the vaccines came too late, and anyone younger than 65 was at most bothered with a week of flu-like symptoms but never had a risk of dying (unless they were extremely unhealthy, but such individual cases hardly moved the needle).

The story becomes even more pointed when looking at the just-released data showing total Swiss mortality since 2010:

Figure 5: Swiss mortality, all regions, 2010-2024

2015 Flu Season Deaths Peaked Nearly as High, and Nobody Cared

In Figure 5 we see that the statistical death rate for over-65’s – which oscillates with the seasons (more on that in a moment) – also spiked in February 2015 owing to a more-severe than usual influenza season. As with the Swiss regional data during COVID-time, we can see that at no point were under-65’s threatened.

The 2015 event was not related to any particular ‘super-virus’ – the USA’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) tells us that it was simply a particularly bad season, commenting that “hospitalization data indicate people 65 years and older were more severely impacted by the 2014-2015 flu season”. No pandemic status was declared; it barely made the newspapers. Judging from the spike’s amplitude, the February 2015 peak was just as high (or higher, adjusting for baseline levels) as the ‘rebound’ COVID spikes in December 2021 and 2022. In fact the first COVID spike in April 2020 was not much different from the February 2015 spike.

We were not forced to wear masks or ‘social distance’ or shut down schools or businesses in 2015. Yet, for a virus that affected only over-65’s in 2020 and 2021, governments coercively closed society and injected everyone left, right and center (including children!) with a novel, experimental, unproven gene technology that, with perfect hindsight, went totally off the rails. Even Pfizer had to publicly admit (well after the fact) that it did not stop transmission, i.e., it failed the first cornerstone test of a vaccine.

What is also obvious from these charts is that virtually nobody under 65 was at risk from COVID complications and indeed was never at risk from influenza either, at least not in the prior decade. Influenza death statistics mesh with old people at the end of life having one or more other illnesses such as advanced heart disease; they are pushed over the edge of what their frail, compromised bodies can tolerate. These unfortunate people were likely to die soon anyway. This fact is simply airbrushed from mainstream discussion and never explained by health agencies.

Winter Deaths Are No Mystery. Why the Indifference to an Obvious Solution?

Furthermore, we can also see from the oscillations of the death rates that the peak season for elderly deaths is winter. The reasons for this seasonality should be painfully obvious: Immune systems are compromised more from November to April when there is less sunshine and less opportunity to be outside due to the cold, rain, and snow, resulting in a lack of sunlight-generated immunity-critical Vitamin D. Excess vitamin D from sunlight is pushed into fat which is re-released with approaching winter; the consequence of this is that whatever little D the elderly have in them by autumn quickly depletes leaving them in deficit by winter, hence the recurring spikes in respiratory-linked deaths from late December to April each year.

Health agencies should have advocated for the elderly to supplement with vitamin D, and to get outside as much as possible especially if the sun is shining. None of these obvious solutions were ever once advocated by the Swiss health agency FOPH or other health authorities, nor by many physicians who should have known better (they still mostly don’t). Instead, these actors uniformly pushed the opposite: Stay indoors, do not socialize (leading to immunity-robbing sadness and depression), be gripped by immunity-robbing fear, bar children from visiting their elderly kin (more depression), and forget about vitamins and exercise for these things are useless (they shut down gyms too).

Why was the messaging the exact opposite of what would have promoted public health and well-being? Perhaps the rationale can be gleaned from this document, the Switzerland-Pfizer contract for COVID mRNA therapies.

Good luck.

Was there a pandemic in Switzerland? Yes! There was an artificial pandemic of fear coupled with epic, authoritarian levels of control. The obvious question is: Who did this to us and why?

A viral pandemic? Hardly.

By Harald Philipp
Chairman, UltraSwiss AG (Parent of The Swiss Times)

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